Sunday, 23 November 2008

Poll Results: Shortmystery and Grouply

In accordance with a group vote of 51 FOR, 2 AGAINST, I have changed Shortmystery's settings via Grouply Owner Controls:

- I have disabled Grouply invitations, which means no member of Grouply will be able to post invitations to Shortymystery or invite Shortmystery members individually.

- I have unlisted Shortmystery's name at Grouply.

- I have blocked access to Shortmystery from Grouply.

- I have requested that all Shortmystery messages currently on Grouply be deleted. This deletion will take up to 48 hours.

As I've mentioned, I don't trust Grouply to follow through, but at least we've made the attempt. If you continue to receive messages from Grouply, know that I have made these changes, and as always, messages from Grouply are NOT AUTHORIZED by me.

Onlist threads discussing Grouply:

Sunday, 16 November 2008

How to Vote in SMFS Polls

SMFS polls are created within the Shortmystery Yahoo! Group. They are designed to hide voting results until polling has ended. Members vote by visiting specific poll pages announced onlist when a poll opens and included in the list message footer for the duration of polling.

On the poll page, indicate your choice by clicking on the circle next to it. Then click the "Vote" button.

You can check your vote by returning to the poll page. There will be a black dot in the circle next to your recorded choice. If you don't see a dot, your vote has not been recorded.

If you decide to change your vote before polling ends, return to the poll page, click the circle next to your new choice, and click the "Vote" button.

When polling ends, the voting results are e-mailed to the list and stored in Shortmystery's Polls section.